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Chuck Chakrapani
“Almost everything – even if it is only incidental to something else – adds extra pleasure to someone who is sensitive and insightful about how the universe works.”
Stoic quotes for every day of the month
When you don’t value external things, other people’s opinions and their behaviour become irrelevant to you. So, you cannot be upset by them or be in conflict with them.
Stoic quotes for every day of the month
Responsibility has two related aspects – responsibility to ourselves and responsibility to others. The way the two things are dealt with by Stoicism creates an apparent paradox.
Stoic quotes for every day of the month
What makes a person a Stoic? What is the essence of Stoicism? We posed these questions to our contributing editors. You can find their thoughts in this issue of THE STOIC.
Friday, December 1st, 2023
Announcing our new magazine Prokopton: A guide for practicing Stoics
A wealth of resources
With this issue, The Stoic Gym’s flagship journal, THE STOIC, completes five years. During this time, we have published more than 400 articles, poems, book reviews, interviews, and graphic stories. In addition, our website, has published another 300 blog posts, videos, etc. We have thus made more than 700 items available to you, free of cost, to support your Stoic practice.
Stoic quotes for every day of the month
Wednesday, January 3rd, 2024
Start the New Year right! Join the Prokopton community
Practicing Stoicism
If you want to practice Stoicism, you have a number of resources available to you, most of them free. THE STOIC Gym journal alone publishes almost 100 articles every year. Our website has about 700 articles, blog posts, poems, book reviews, videos, etc. We also have many more sources available to us such as, and blogs by the likes of Donald Robertson and Massimo Pigliucci. Now The Stoic Gym is annoucing a new monthly publication – Prokopton.
Stoic quotes for every day of the month