I know, I know, it is not good form to be pleased with yourself. Even less so to announce it to others. But today I am pleased with myself and I am not hiding it. Let me explain why.
Our first anniversary
A year ago, I started publishing THE STOIC with just one thought: How to bring Stoic concepts in bite-sized pieces to those who may benefit by them? The challenge I set up for myself was that it should be packaged attractively, it should not have making money as its main objective, and it should be faithful to mainstream Stoicism as much as possible.
I came into the “modern Stoic community” rather late—about three years ago—although I have been familiar with Stoicism practically all my life. I had no idea how the magazine would be received or even whether I could pull it off.
Generosity of modern Stoics
I approached some major figures—founders if you will—of modern Stoicism such as Chris Gill, Donald Robertson, John Sellars, Tim LeBon and asked them if they would serve as advisors for the magazine. To my great delight they all said yes. Then I approached prominent academics involved with Stoicism—such as Anthony Long, Liz Gloyn, Massimo Pigliucci, Greg Sadler, and Andi Sciacca. They said yes too. The editorial board further expanded to include people from different walks of life—authors, bloggers, therapists, physicians (Sharon Lebell, Antoina Macaro, Elen Buzare, Alkistis Agio, Meredith Kunz, Greg Lopez, Flora Bernard, and Ron Pies).
Some members of our editorial board also became our regular contributors. Additional contributing editors (Jonas Salzgeber and Kai Whiting) joined our team as well.
One hundred articles? Yes, and Stoic comics and Stoic poems too!
During the year we published around 100 articles on Stoicism. We also published Stoic comics and even a stoic poem! We detailed information about Stoic events around the world. We challenged our readers with the questions like “What would a Stoic do?’ in many situations.
A time to be grateful
I realize that even though I am pleased with myself, my role in all this is trivial. What could I possibly have done without the support of the editorial board, without my contributors, and without supportive readers?
So, even though I say I am pleased with myself because we have successfully completed a year, what I really want say is that I am grateful to the editorial board, to our contributors, and to our readers. I am also grateful that I had the financial recourses to make this happen.
As we enter the second year, I hope you will all continue to support THE STOIC and help us bring Stoic ideas to those who could benefit from them.
Copyright. All materials are copyrighted and are subject to copyright laws. You may not reproduce any article (or substantial part thereof) without prior permission from THE STOIC.
Opinions: THE STOIC is a curated publication. This means we do take care that what goes into the magazine meets our quality standards. However, within reason, columnists are free to express their opinions. So any opinion expressed in the magazine should be treated that of the columnist and not of THE STOIC.
Dr. Chuck Chakrapani Editor-in-Chief