Last month we presented this picture and asked our readers “What would a Stoic do? We also posted the picture on different Stoic Facebook groups. Here is a sample of your responses.
Alex Lawrence
I will be honest, I react no matter what my beliefs or path is. A man hits a woman, I will intervene because it is the right thing to do
Jurgens Pieterese
Point out the act of injustice for the woman and the child. Have the courage to suggest counseling and explain the negative impact of anger and emotional outbursts. Remain calm throughout to bring calm into the situation. Remember that it's not the situation that affects him but how his reactions to the situation, so the Stoic focus on finding the best approach to bring justice and reinstate a sense of fellow-feeling.
Christopher J. Maurer
Seneca: "The best plan is to reject straightway the first incentives to anger, to resist its very beginnings, and to take care not to be betrayed into it: for if once it begins to carry us away, it is hard to get back again into a healthy condition.”
Dorian Hysi
Who is the stoic in this scenario? The little girl? Or someone just being dropped in this situation? If the latter, without context, you cannot do anything so the first thing is to gather data and learn what is happening really, and then act accordingly.
As the little girl, you just have to endure, I am afraid, but prepare to get away from these toxic people as soon as you can, despite them being your parents.
Mark Hartsgrove Mooers
Depending on the situation and who the Stoic is, it will change of course. I see myself as the bystander in this case. Remove the child from the situation, if it seems to me that the situation isn't going to escalate. If it seems it will (and looking at the body language, it may very well. The woman is in a defensive posture and is scared it will be physical soon, the man is in a very aggressive posture.)
After removing the child, I might call the police.
I might have been able to calm the situation earlier without violence, but it is too far gone and escalation is probable without real training in de-escalation tactics.
After, talk with both the woman and man to see if this is a common occurrence. Give advice, accept that it may not take.
Natasha la Salvaje
Domestic violence is not a private matter, but one of the biggest social problems of our times and must be stopped by all means necessary. Yes, that means the police and court and social workers and therapy.
Sal Carbo
If it's the child I don't think at that age there is a lot she can do. Hopefully she can get help from professionals in the future and learn some stoicism to help her in life.
The woman should either leave, go into another room, go to a friend or relative’s house, or report it.
The man needs help.
Taz Duncan
A stoic will do what is inherently right. And the right thing, I believe, would be to comfort the child and protect the well being of anyone being abused.
Julie Fisher
I stepped in and told him to stop. I was that child!