CM Magazine Cover
From Vol. 1, Issue 8, August 2019


Stoicon-X || Editor

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Cotsen Hall, at the American School of Archeology at Athens. 

How to get your tickets 


Stoicon X: 

DAY 1. STOICON (October 5, Saturday) 

9 am Registration 

9:00 Introduction: Welcome to the Birthplace of Stoicism
Donald Robertson, author of Stoicism and the Art of Happi-ness and How to Think Like a Roman Emperor, etc. Alkistis Agio (Greece), author of The Stoic C.E.O. 

9.30 On Taking Responsibility: The Stoics in Exile
Jonas Salzgeber, author of The Little Book of Stoicism 

10.15 Morning coffee break 

10.45 Military Stoicism
Thomas Jarrett, LTC-R, retired combat stress control officer, creator of Stoic & Warrior Resilience Training programs in the Iraq War 

11.30 For the Benefit of All: On Being a Social Stoic
John Sellars, Lecturer in Philosophy at Royal Holloway, Uni-versity of London, author of Stoicism and The Art of Liv-ing, Lessons in Stoicism, etc. 

12.15 The Acropolis, the Inner Citadel and the View from Above
Matt Sharpe, Associate Professor of Philosophy at Deakin University 

1–2.30pm Lunch break 

Parallel Sessions 

Choose two parallel sessions at registration. Each session will run twice, from 2.30–3.15pm and 3.30–4.15pm. 

1) Cotsen Hall: How to Thrive in a World Out of Your Con-trol
Massimo Pigliucci, K.D. Irani Professor of Philosophy at the City College of New York, author of How to be a Stoic and A Handbook for New Stoics, etc. 

2) ASCA Seminar 1: Studying Philosophy in Athens: The Case of Zeno
Christina Kourfali, author of Live like the Stoics 

3) ASCA Seminar 2: How to Start a Modern Stoa
Peter Limberg, organizer of Stoicism Toronto 

4) BSA 1: Stoicism, Aristotle, and Environmental Responsi-bility
Chris Gill, Professor Emeritus of Ancient Thought at the University of Exeter, author of The Structured Self in Hel-lenistic and Roman Thought and Naturalistic Psychology in Galen and Stoicism, etc. Gabriele Galluzzo, Senior Lecturer in Ancient Philosophy at the University of Exeter, author of The Medieval Reception of Aristotle's Metaphysics Book Zeta and Universals in An-cient Philosophy 

5) BSA 2: The Stoic Cosmopolis, Then and Now
David Fideler, author of Restoring the Soul of the World, The Pythagorean Sourcebook (ed.), etc. 

8) Cotsen Library: Stoicism and Creativity
Piotr Stankiewicz, Lecturer at the University of Warsaw, author of Does Happiness Write Blank Pages? On Stoicism and Artistic Creativity 

4.15–4.30 Afternoon coffee break 

4.30 Keynote: Epictetus on Attending to Oneself
Katerina Ierodiakonou, Professor at the University of Ath-ens and at the University of Geneva, editor of Dialectic after Plato and Aristotle and Topics in Stoic Philosophy, etc. 

5.15 Closing: What Next in Athens?
Alkistis Agio (Greece) 

5.30–7pm Reception and light snacks 

Extra talks and events to be confirmed. Program may be subject to change. 

DAY 2: STOICON-X (October 6, Sunday) 

9–9.30am Registration and coffee 

9.30 Introduction: Welcome to Stoicon-x
Alkistis Agio, author of The Stoic C.E.O. 

9.45 Meditations on "Meditations": Towards a more Stoic kind of journaling.
Kathryn Koromilas, writer, educator, founder of and the Stoic Writing Scene. 

10.15 The Interface Between Stoic Philosophy and REBT Psychotherapy
Chrysoula Kostogiannis, Director of the Hellenic Institute for RECBT in Athens 

10.45 Morning break 

11 Lightning Presentations on Modern Stoicism
Hosted by Piotr Stankiewicz 

12pm Afternoon break 

12.15 Keynote: How to be a Stoic When You Don't Know How
Chuck Chakrapani, editor of THE STOIC magazine, author of Unshakable Freedom, How to be a Stoic When You Don't Know How 

12.45 Closing: What Next in Athens?
Donald Robertson, author of Stoicism and the Art of Happi-ness and How to Think Like a Roman Emperor 

1–1.30 Reception and light snacks