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From Vol. 1, Issue 1, January 2019


Stoic Everyday || Editor

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[Things] … are what they are … and they don’t pass any judgment upon themselves. What judges them, then? Your reasoning mind. 

M. Aurelius, Meditations, 9.42 


A happy person is one who can make a right judgment in all things: happy with one’s present circumstances, whatever they may be; satisfied and on friendly terms with the conditions of life. That person is happy whose reason guides all their activities. 

Seneca, On The Happy Life 


Throw away your [negative] judgments and you are saved. Who is stopping you from doing this? 

M. Aurelius, Meditations , 12.25 


Nothing but your own judgment is capable of causing us to become disturbed and confused. 

Epictetus, Discourses 3.19.3 


What, after all, is sighing and crying, except opinions? What is misfortune? An opinion. 

Epictetus, Discourses 3.3.18 


When someone provokes you, if you respond with anger or some other negative emotion, your mind is tricked into believing you are being harmed…Take some time before reacting. You will see you are in better control. 

Epictetus Enchiridion, 20