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From Vol. 3, Issue 10, October 2021

Stoic thoughts for every day of the month

Stoic Everyday || Editor

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1 The right and noble actions are good; wrong and shameful actions are bad. [Epictetus D4.1]

2 Don’t look around to understand what directs other people’s behavior. Look straight ahead to where nature is taking you – both universal nature (what is happening to you) and your own nature (what you do). [Marcus Aurelius, M7.55]

3 [Anger] provides us with an ugly and shocking picture of selfparody and excitement. You cannot tell what describes this better: unpleasant or disgusting. [Seneca, A1.1]

4 Really, how much do you need to think it over – to decide that you should exercise your power to get the greatest goods and avoid the greatest evils? [Epictetus D4.1]

5 Human beings should do what is according to their nature. [Marcus Aurelius, M7.55]

6 Other things can be hidden away and secretly cherished. But anger announces itself openly and “in your face”. The more intense it is, the more plainly it boils forth. [Seneca, A1.1]

7 Don’t say that you are free when there is so much proof that you are just a slave. [Epictetus D4.1]

8 The most important thing is to do our duty. The second thing is to resist bodily urges. [Marcus Aurelius, M7.55]

9 For other passions, the signs are visible; for anger, they prominently stand out. [Seneca, A1.1]

10 Perhaps philosophers do things that are contrary to expectation, but not contrary to reason. – Cleanthes [Epictetus D4.1]

11 Think of yourself as dead. Your life story is over. Now, live the rest of your life according to nature. [Marcus Aurelius, M7.56]

12 If you want to examine the results of anger and the damage it causes, I say that no plague has done greater harm to humankind. [Seneca, A1.2]

13 The things that are eagerly sought after and admired are of no use to you once you get them. Meanwhile, those who don’t have them imagine that everything good will be theirs once they get these things. [Epictetus D4.1]

14 Love only what happens to you. It is destined to happen. What is better than this? [Marcus Aurelius, M7.57]

15 Look at the foundations of the most famous cities. They are hardly visible now. Anger ruined them. [Seneca, A1.2]

16 You cannot achieve freedom by fulfilling your desires, but only by eliminating them. [Epictetus D4.1]

17 In everything that happens, keep this before your eyes. The same thing happened to other people. They resented it, were surprised by it, and complained about it. Where are they now? Nowhere. [Marcus Aurelius, M7.58]

18 Anger ordered a royal to have his neck cut by a slave and another to have his limb stretch out on the cross. [Seneca, A1.2]

19 Remember; everything comes at a price. You can’t act the same way as you did before and yet be different. [Epictetus D4.1]

20 Why don’t you concentrate on the right way to use your experiences? [Marcus Aurelius, M7.58]

21 They are angry without any reason and without having been injured in any way. Yet they have a sense of injury and would like to exact a penalty for it. [Seneca, A1.2

22 If you choose to be a better person, stick to it from now on. Let nothing distract you from this goal. You cannot make progress if you waver. [Epictetus D4.1]

23 Pay attention only to yourself. Resolve to be a good person in everything you do. [Marcus Aurelius, M7.58]

24 No one is so low in status as not to be able to hope to inflict punishment even upon the greatest of men. We all are powerful to carry out some mischief. [Seneca, A1.3]

25 So, choose. Do you want to be a charming drunk in their company or boring and sober on your own? [Epictetus D4.2]

26 Dig deep within. There is a fountain of good there. Keep digging, and it will bubble up. [Marcus Aurelius, M7.59]

27 Anger is the enemy of reason, and it does not live in places where reason lives. [Seneca, A1.3]

28 [Remember] everything comes at a price. It isn’t possible to change your behavior and still be the same person as before. [Epictetus D4.2]

29 Your body should be stable, without irregularities in movement or in rest. [Marcus Aurelius, M7.60]

30 What is more gentle than human nature when it is in its proper condition? Yet, what is crueler than anger? What is more affectionate to others than a human being? Yet, what is more brutal against them than anger? [Seneca, A1]

31 You should always think this when you lose any external thing: What did you get in return? If it was of greater value, don’t you say you lost anything. Epictetus D4.2]

D: Discourses. M: Meditations. A: On Anger