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From Vol. 6, Issue 9, September 2024

Stoic every day

Stoic Everyday || Chuck Chakrapani

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  1. Is there any storm that is more powerful than impressions that drive out reason? [Epictetus, D2.17]
  2. I choose to live in accordance with nature as a reasonable member of a social community. [Marcus Aurelius, M5.35]
  3. Direct all your efforts toward some purpose, and keep that aim in sight.  [Seneca, T12]
  4. “Make a bad beginning and you’ll contend with troubles ever after.” Hesiod.  [Epictetus, D2.17]
  5. How have you behaved in the past – to the gods, to your parents, to your siblings, spouse, children, teachers, tutors, friends, relatives, household? In all your dealings with them until now, can you fairly say that “Never a harsh word, never an injustice was delivered to a single person?” [Marcus Aurelius, M5.35]
  6. “If a man wishes to live in peace, let him not engage in many activities either privately or publicly.” Democritus,  [Seneca, T13]
  7. Just observe the way you behave, and you will soon discover what your philosophy is. [Epictetus, D2.18]
  8. Soon you will be ashes or bones. Just a name, perhaps not even that.  [Marcus Aurelius, M5.35]
  9. Nothing happens to the wise that they did not expect.  [Seneca, T13]
  10. It is my ambition to secure you from restraint, compulsion, and obstruction, and to make you free, prosperous, and happy … You are here to learn and practice these things.   [Epictetus, D2.19]
  11. The things we desire in life are vanity, corruption, and trash. We are like scuffling puppies or quarrelling children – all smiles one moment and in tears the next. [Marcus Aurelius, M5.33]
  12. The pain associated with unfulfilled desires is less severe if you are not confident things will turn out the way you expect.  [Seneca, T13]
  13. Set the past aside. Just begin. Trust me, you will see what I have been saying is true.  [Epictetus, D2.19]
  14. Our senses are easily deceived. Our soul itself is mere vapour exhaled from blood. Fame in this world is worthless. [Marcus Aurelius, M5.33]
  15. We must make ourselves more flexible and avoid becoming too attached to our current plans.  [Seneca, T13]
  16. A vine cannot behave like an olive tree or an olive tree like a vine. It is impossible. Neither can human beings lose their affections.  [Epictetus, D2.20]
  17. Do good to people. Bear and forbear. Remember that nothing belongs to you outside the bounds of your poor body. [Marcus Aurelius, M5.33]
  18. We must adapt ourselves to whatever the future may bring us without fearing a change in our purposes or in our life’s condition.  [Seneca, T14]
  19. We are surrounded by people who are so confused and so ignorant of what they are saying.   [Epictetus, D2.21]
  20. Be steady as you go forward. Keep the straight road in your thinking and doing. Your will flows smoothly. [Marcus Aurelius, M5.33]
  21. We should not become indecisive, a vice entirely opposed to peace.  [Seneca, T14]
  22. First, cure your ulcers, stop the discharges, and calm your mind. Bring it to the school, free from distractions. Only then will you know how powerful reason can be.  [Epictetus, D2.21]
  23. If something is not of your doing, nor caused by you and the community is not affected by it, why worry about it? [Marcus Aurelius, M5.34]
  24. Stubbornness … involve(s) anxiety and misery. Yet indecisiveness, which cannot control itself, is much harder to bear.  [Seneca, T14]
  25. Have no illusions, this is a universal law: Every creature is attached to nothing as strongly as to its own interest. Whatever appears to threaten its interest – be it brother, father, child, or lover – is hated, accused, and cursed. We are naturally disposed to favour our own interest.  [Epictetus, D2.22]
  26. Don’t be taken in by your first impressions. Help those in need as far as you can. They deserve it. [Marcus Aurelius, M5.35]
  27. The mind must withdraw into itself, away from external things. Let it confide, rejoice in itself, and admire its own works.  [Seneca, T14]
  28. Everyone moves towards what is “me” and “mine.” If you believe your interests are served by your body, it will dominate your life; if it is moral choice, then it is moral choice that will dominate; and if external things, then it is external things. You will be where your choices are.  [Epictetus D2.22]
  29. Who is fortunate? The person who gives himself the gifts of fortune: good character, good intentions, and good actions. [Marcus Aurelius, M5.35]
  30. We gain nothing by getting rid of everything that causes sadness.  [Seneca, T15]

Note: D: Discourses; M: Meditations; T: On Tranquility