CM Magazine Cover
From Vol. 2, Issue 2, February 2020

Being a Stoic every moment of the day


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You read a book on Stoicism. Or listen to a lecture, read a blog, or see a post on social media. You are inspired. You are going to practice Stoicism. You are going to be happy, virtuous, and invincible. 

But then real life intervenes and you are not sure what to do. 

Shouldn’t we think on these things? 

To benefit fully from Stoicism, Stoic thinking and action should permeate every bone and fiber of your body and mind. Every thought and action is the grist for the Stoic mill. This is the theme of this issue. How to take our mundane everyday experiences and use them to strengthen our Stoic way of life. 

Of course we cannot have rigid solutions to the problems we face. But to help us get started thinking along these lines, our contributing modern Stoics share their thoughts with us. Here is a summary of the themes in this issue: 

We cannot be true Stoics (or true anything for that matter) if we depend on others to tell us how to behave. However, I hope the articles in this issue broaden your Stoic thinking to a wide variety of situations in your life so you start carrying with you the principles of Stoic thinking every moment of every day. 

Dr. Chuck Chakrapani Editor-in-Chief