CM Magazine Cover
From Vol. 2, Issue 2, February 2020

The last days of Marcus Aurelius

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When Marcus’ health started failing, he sent for his son. Marcus told him not to neglect the ongoing war because it would seem he was betraying the State. 

However, when his son told him that his first care was for his health, Marcus let his son do as he wished, only asking him not to leave right away but to wait for a few more days. 

Then, Marcus stopped eating and drinking, hoping to die. On the sixth day, he called for his friends. He made fun of earthly things and said that death was nothing. 

Why weep for me? Why not think about the pestilence and the death that waits for all? 

When they tried to retreat and sighed, he said, 

If you now dismiss me, I give you my farewell and lead the way for you. 

When they asked to whom he commended his son, he said, 

To you, if he is worthy, and to the immortal gods. 

On the seventh day, he grew worse. He allowed only his son to see him and yet dismissed him at once, so he may not be infected as well. After his son left, he veiled his head as if he was asleep, but that night he passed away. 

(Source: Aurelius The Unknown by Chuck Chakrapani, published by The Stoic Gym.