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Tuesday, January 1st, 2019
Passing of a Stoic: Larry Becker (1938-2018)
This is a condensed extract from Massimo Pigliucci’s excellent personal tribute to Larry Becker in to Plato.
What does a regular, everyday Stoic actually do, every day? Rather than write a theoretical essay on this, I figured it may be helpful to take a closer look at one example of Stoic practice, my own.
Modern dating
Thursday, August 1st, 2019
How would a Stoic date? II. Virtuous dating
As Stoics, we are supposed to engage in anything, not just dating, in as virtuous a manner as we can muster. But we are talking about this strange 21st century, so let’s be specific.
Dear Future Members of the Cosmopolis, You may or may not have heard of Stoicism. In case you haven't, I'm leaving this message for you, so that you may consider taking advantage of the immense benefits of this ancient philosophy of life.
Confucianism, like Stoicism, urges us to practice a set of virtues. In Stoicism the four cardinal virtues (practical wisdom, courage, justice, and temperance) are highly interdependent, basically four different aspects of the same underlying virtue (wisdom in the broad sense). Confucians, by contrast, rank their virtues according to their scope and importance. The two most crucial virtues in Confucianism are benevolence and righteousness.
Wednesday, August 7th, 2024
Nine life lessons I learned in sixty years
Massimo Pigliucci, a member of our advisory board turned sixty recently. Looking back at his life, he identifies nine life lessons he has learned.
Sunday, September 8th, 2024
You don’t need anger to be effective
Emotional responses are not inevitable. They are a choice we make.
A real friendship is a major investment, not just of time and efforr, but emotionally. It can be very painful to break up with a friend, so we should take our time before deciding to commit.
Sunday, December 8th, 2024
Self-reliance: Turning diffculties into opportunites
Every ship pilot is good when the waters are calm, but it is the storm that both tests and improves his skills. And what is the fun in always navigating flat waters?